Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Grammar Lessons

接続詞 (when, before, after and so on)

Conjunction Clause


In this chapter, you will learn about conjunction clauses that connect parts of

sentences. In the conjunction clause, following clause cannot have a future tense.



Sentence for this lesson(このレッスンの例文)

I will go back home after I finish this task.



Sentence 1 + conjunction + Sentence 2 (present or past tense)

Conjunction + Sentence 2 (present or past tense), + sentence 1

Practice 1 : Sample Sentences

Instruction: Repeat after your tutor.


1. She spent her summer studying English when she was 18 years old.

(彼女が 18 歳の時、夏のあいだ英語を勉強しました。)

2. We will go to the park before we go to the restaurant.


3. Jack and Jill went up the hill while their parents were rowing a boat.


4. I went swimming although it was very cold.


5. He will review his lessons so that he can pass the examination.


6. They ate and drank a lot at the party because they had just finished their work.


7. Since you are young, you can improve your communication skills more.


8. Until I can find a right answer, I will keep working.


Practice 2 : Word Filling

Instruction: Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words.


1. They will be here _____ they finish working.


2. I went to sleep soon _____ I was very tired at that time.


3. You cannot go out _____ you finish your homework.


4. _____ I like that football player, I went to the match.


5. _____ he is fun, he does not have a good communication skill.


6. My dream was to be a doctor ________ I was elementary school student.


Practice 3 : Sentence completion

Instruction: Complete each sentence by adding appropriate words/phrases.


1. You will have dinner after _____ .


2. I always _____ before I go to bed.


3. My hobby was _____ when I was young.


4. Although I am good at English, I _____ .


5. Your mother was cooking while you were _____ .


Practice 4 : Short Conversation

Instruction: Practice grammar three times in each question in a more casual way.

(各質問 3 回ずつ、より実践に近い形で練習しましょう。)


A : Where is your sister?


B : She went to our aunt’s house (or / after / and) she went to her friend’s


(彼女はおばの家に行った、 もしくは/しかし/そして 彼女は友達の家へ行



A : What is your routine?


B : My routine is that I have dinner ( after / before / when) I study English.

(私の習慣は 英語を勉強 する後/する前/する時、夕食を取ります。)


A : Why do you want to learn English?


B : I want to study English ( because / since / as ) I would like to go abroad for

the new business opportunity.

(私は英語を勉強したい なぜなら/なぜなら/なぜなら わたしは新しいビジ


Practice 5 : Conversation

Instruction: Practice a whole of conversation three times with your tutor.

(会話全体を 3 度、講師と練習しましょう。)

A : What is your plan tonight?


B : I cannot go out ( until / before / till ) my brother completes his assignment.

(わたしはわたしの弟が宿題を完成させる まで/前に/まで 外出できない。)

A : I feel pity for you. Can you join us after your brother finishes it?


B : No. I cannot go out tonight ( because / since / as ) I also have a lot of

assignments to do by tomorrow.



A : Okay. Good luck on your assignments.


B : Thanks! Enjoy your Friday night!


Practice 6 : Free Conversation

Instruction: Have a free conversation with your tutor using what you learned in this chapter. Tutor will start and continue conversation.



1. What do you usually do before you have an exam?


(Using “before”)

2. Tell me about your strong points and weak points?


(Using “although”)

3. Why do you study English?


(Using “because”, “since” or “as”)

4. Why is your friend important to you?


(Using “so that”)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Grammar Lessons


Negative and Interrogative form of Modal Auxiliary Verbs


In this chapter, you will learn how to construct negative and interrogative

sentences using modal auxiliary verbs.


Sentence for this chapter

He cannot answer this question. (negative)


May I have your name? (interrogative)



S + Auxiliary verb + not + V(original form) + ~ .

Auxiliary verb + S + V(original form) + ~ .

Practice 1 : Sample Sentences

Instruction: Repeat after your tutor.


1. She cannot join us for lunch.


2. You shall not worry. We will be fine.


3. Should we choose our friends wisely?


4. May I go to the restroom?


5. Are you going to the party tonight? Can I join you?


6. Shall we go now?


Practice 2 : Word Filling

Instruction: Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words.


1. I __ ___ study abroad next month. (negative)


2. He _______ play football because he was injured last week. (negative)


3. Is he sick?- No. he _____. (negative)


4. You ______ go there because it’s dangerous. (negative)


5. _____ I talk to you about tomorrow’s plan now? (interrogative)


6. ______ I open the window? (interrogative)


Practice 3 : Sentence Filling

Instruction: Complete each sentence by adding appropriate words/phrases.


1. I cannot study _________ for tomorrow’s exam due to my health.


2. Andrew cannot _ ____ an English song very well.


3. Shall we go to _ _____?


4. We must not ______ _ because it is not good for my health.


5. Can you ________?


6. We can have ____________ later after your class.


Practice 4 : Short Conversation

Instruction: Practice grammar three times in each question in a more casual way.

(各質問 3 回ずつ、より実践に近い形で練習しましょう。)


A : Can you (play baseball / talk to him / take a memo) ?


B : Yes, I can.



A : Shall we (go to the school / start the meeting / go to the next) ?

(学校に行き/会議を始め/次に行き ましょうか?)

B : Sure!



A : Are you going to Hong Kong next summer vacation?


B : No . I (cannot go there / should not go there / must not go there) in

summer because it is too hot.

(いいえ。夏は暑すぎるので、そこへは 行けません/行くべきではないです/


Practice 5 : Conversation

Instruction: Practice a whole of conversation three times with your tutor.

(会話全体を 3 度、講師と練習しましょう。)

A : You should come with us! We will go to a hot spring tomorrow.


B : Wow! That sounds (interesting/ fun / exciting).

(おおー。それは 面白そう/楽しそう/ワクワク しますね。)

A : That is right! Will you come with us?


B : Sure! What (can / must / shall) I bring?

(もちろん。何を持って いけますか/いかないといけないですか/いくべき


A : You must bring a camera with you.


B : Okay. So, I will see you tomorrow okay?


A : Yes. See you!


Practice 6 : Free Conversation

Instruction: Have a free conversation with your tutor using keywords below.

Tutor will start and continue conversation.




A : Can you play any sports?


B : Yes. I can play ~.



A : Do you have to go to work or school every day?

(毎日仕事 or 学校に行く必要がありますか?)

B : Yes, I have to leave my house at~



A : How many languages can you speak?


B : I can speak ~ .


Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Modal Auxiliary Verb


In this chapter, you will learn modal auxiliary verbs which give additional

meaning to verbs.


Sentence for this chapter

You can do it.



S + Modal Auxiliary Verb (can / should / may / must) +

V(original form) + ~ .

Practice 1 : Sample Sentences

Instruction: Repeat after your tutor.


1. I can speak English fluently.


2. You should arrive there by 2 pm.


3. He may join our group.


4. I must attend the conference.


5. It must be a nice wedding party.


6. The bus must come soon.

(バスはすぐに来るに違いない。)Green English

Practice 2 : Word Filling

Instruction: Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words.


1. He _____ teach French.


2. I _____ have a presentation at tomorrow meeting.


3. She _____ take a rest.


4. I _____ finish assignment by Monday.


5. You _____ come later if you want.


6. I _____ hire one more employee this week.

(今週もう一人の社員を雇わなければならない。)Green English

Practice 3 : Sentence Filling

Instruction: Complete each sentence by adding appropriate words/phrases.


1. He can drive a _____.


2. She may _____ absent from meeting today.


3. You should _____ Cebu when you go to the Philippines.


4. I must focus on _____.


5. He should _____ new plan with his boss.


6. She can _____ a flute.


Practice 4 : Short Conversation

Instruction: Practice grammar three times in each question in a more casual way.

(各質問 3 回ずつ、より実践に近い形で練習しましょう。)


A : When do you need to arrive there?


B : I must be (on campus / at my store / at my office) by 9 am.

(午前9時までに キャンパスに/お店に/事務所に着いている必要がありま



A : What should he report to you?


B : He should report about (a research about market / a data analysis /

customers’ data).

(彼は マーケットに関する研究/データの分析/顧客のデータを レポート



A : What time do you need to go back home?


B : I must go back before 10pm to (call my mother / finish my tasks / prepare

a presentation).



Practice 5 : Conversation

Instruction: Practice a whole of conversation three times with your tutor.

(会話全体を 3 度、講師と練習しましょう。)

A : Andrew, are you free this Saturday? We’re going to have a barbeque party.


B : Thank you for inviting, but I can’t (make it / go there / join you).

(誘ってくれてありがとう。だけど 無理です/いけません/参加できませ


A : Do you have other appointments already?


B : Yes. I must (visit my parents’ house / attend a conference / finish my

work ) by Sunday.


わらせないと いけません。)

A : Oh, you’re very busy.


B : Yeah right. Oops! Is it already 3pm? I gotta (go / leave / call) now. My

customer is waiting for me. See you again!

(そうなんです。ああ!もう午後3時?すぐ 行かないと/行かないと/電話


A : Okay. See you soon!


Practice 6 : Free Conversation

Instruction: Have a free conversation with your tutor using keywords below.

Tutor will start and continue conversation.




A : What musical instruments can you play?


B : I can play ~.



A : What time should you leave your house everyday?


B : I should leave here at ~.



A : Do you have something that you must do before sleep?


B : I must ~.
