接続詞 (when, before, after and so on)
Conjunction Clause
In this chapter, you will learn about conjunction clauses that connect parts of
sentences. In the conjunction clause, following clause cannot have a future tense.
Sentence for this lesson(このレッスンの例文)
I will go back home after I finish this task.
Sentence 1 + conjunction + Sentence 2 (present or past tense)
Conjunction + Sentence 2 (present or past tense), + sentence 1
Practice 1 : Sample Sentences
Instruction: Repeat after your tutor.
1. She spent her summer studying English when she was 18 years old.
(彼女が 18 歳の時、夏のあいだ英語を勉強しました。)
2. We will go to the park before we go to the restaurant.
3. Jack and Jill went up the hill while their parents were rowing a boat.
4. I went swimming although it was very cold.
5. He will review his lessons so that he can pass the examination.
6. They ate and drank a lot at the party because they had just finished their work.
7. Since you are young, you can improve your communication skills more.
8. Until I can find a right answer, I will keep working.
Practice 2 : Word Filling
Instruction: Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words.
1. They will be here _____ they finish working.
2. I went to sleep soon _____ I was very tired at that time.
3. You cannot go out _____ you finish your homework.
4. _____ I like that football player, I went to the match.
5. _____ he is fun, he does not have a good communication skill.
6. My dream was to be a doctor ________ I was elementary school student.
Practice 3 : Sentence completion
Instruction: Complete each sentence by adding appropriate words/phrases.
1. You will have dinner after _____ .
2. I always _____ before I go to bed.
3. My hobby was _____ when I was young.
4. Although I am good at English, I _____ .
5. Your mother was cooking while you were _____ .
Practice 4 : Short Conversation
Instruction: Practice grammar three times in each question in a more casual way.
(各質問 3 回ずつ、より実践に近い形で練習しましょう。)
A : Where is your sister?
B : She went to our aunt’s house (or / after / and) she went to her friend’s
(彼女はおばの家に行った、 もしくは/しかし/そして 彼女は友達の家へ行
A : What is your routine?
B : My routine is that I have dinner ( after / before / when) I study English.
(私の習慣は 英語を勉強 する後/する前/する時、夕食を取ります。)
A : Why do you want to learn English?
B : I want to study English ( because / since / as ) I would like to go abroad for
the new business opportunity.
(私は英語を勉強したい なぜなら/なぜなら/なぜなら わたしは新しいビジ
Practice 5 : Conversation
Instruction: Practice a whole of conversation three times with your tutor.
(会話全体を 3 度、講師と練習しましょう。)
A : What is your plan tonight?
B : I cannot go out ( until / before / till ) my brother completes his assignment.
(わたしはわたしの弟が宿題を完成させる まで/前に/まで 外出できない。)
A : I feel pity for you. Can you join us after your brother finishes it?
B : No. I cannot go out tonight ( because / since / as ) I also have a lot of
assignments to do by tomorrow.
A : Okay. Good luck on your assignments.
B : Thanks! Enjoy your Friday night!
Practice 6 : Free Conversation
Instruction: Have a free conversation with your tutor using what you learned in this chapter. Tutor will start and continue conversation.
1. What do you usually do before you have an exam?
(Using “before”)
2. Tell me about your strong points and weak points?
(Using “although”)
3. Why do you study English?
(Using “because”, “since” or “as”)
4. Why is your friend important to you?
(Using “so that”)